The Hudson River Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society is pleased to sponsor its annual classic boat show at the Hudson River Maritime Museum on historic Rondout Creek in Kingston, on Saturday, August 18, 2018 from 10 am to 4pm. Boats arrive on Friday and there will be a parade of classics on Saturday at 4 pm, weather permitting. The museum will be offering discounted admission all day Saturday!

The featured boat at this year’s Antique and Classic Boat Show is the custom built mahogany and teak 65-foot trawler, the Francis Marion. Designed by Walter J McInnis of Eldredge-McInnis and built in 1963, the Francis Marion was for many years on display at Mystic Seaport before moving to her new home port in Albany.
The Trolley Museum of New York will have on display its Number 3 train, built in 1897, which ran in Oslo, Norway before being retired to a collector in Brooklyn, New York. Trolley rides will run on their normal schedule from the platform in front of the Hudson River Maritime Museum.
In addition to dock-side activities, the Hudson River Maritime Museum will hold a dedication ceremony at 2 p.m. in the East Gallery where museum staff will unveil the bell of the Cornell Steamboat Company Perseverance.
The Hudson River Maritime Museum acquired the bell from the Cornell Steamboat Company tugboat Perseverance. The bell features the name of the vessel engraved on it, and the year, 1919, that the tug was built. The Perseverance was one of nearly one hundred tugs and towboats that Cornell owned and operated on the Hudson River during the period 1837 to 1964. Cornell’s headquarters were right next to where the Maritime Museum is located on the Rondout Creek in Kingston.